TEJ Spring - Power Outage Tuesday 9th July 2024 14:28:30

7-9-24 10:03 EDT TEJ Spring - Power Outage due to major storms in the area. ETR is unknown at this time.

7-14-24 13:28 EDT Power restored on Sunday, 7-14-24 and power and networking functions verified functioning properly.

7-11-24 16:55 Generator ran out of gas, network down until able to get more for the morning.

7-11-24 06:50 EDT - Yard personnel were able to get gas for the generator. Temp operations until power is restored, ETR is still unknown at this time.

7-10-24 Generator hooked up, power supplied for a few hours, then ran out of gas for generator. 7-10-24 13:40 Once more gas is available or power is back on, IT teams will update status.